Please select your topic

Violation of general codes of conduct or human rights →
Such a violation includes violations of working condition requirements or mistreatment of other people. For example, discrimination, bullying, harassment, or any other kind of unequal treatment based on illegitimate grounds.
Violation of confidentiality, privacy, or data protection →
Such a violation includes violations of confidentiality obligations and violations of data protection obligations. For example, illegitimate collection, processing, or disclosure of personal data, and misuse of trade secrets and other business confidential information. 
Embezzlement →
Such a violation includes any theft or misappropriation of company property, data, funds, or work materials. 
Manipulation of business documents or results →
Such a violation includes manipulation of business documents or systems. For example, misrepresentation of the organisation’s financial reporting, personal or company results, or the production of falsified invoices or credit notes.
Conflicts of interest →
Such a violation includes situations where the organization or a person is entangled in multiple interests when making business decisions, resulting in reasonable questioning of the required independence to conduct sound business decisions.
Violation of general environmental protection →
Such a violation includes any environmental offenses and environmental damages. For example, illegal disposal of waste, improper handling of pollutants, or illegal water, soil, or air pollution.
Money laundering violation →
Such a violation includes any activity in conflict with the applicable rules of anti-money laundering. An activity will constitute a violation if it results in proceeds from criminal activity are funnelled into or through the financial system for subsequent activity that appears to be legal. 
Other →
Check this box, if the above doesn’t fit the report you wish to submit. 
Report directly to Sofie →
"Select this option if you want to report directly to Sofie, without the other people in the whistleblower unit being able to see it.
Report directly to Karina →
"Select this option if you want to report directly to Karina, without the other people in the whistleblower unit being able to see it.